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I have lived my life knowing that I am allergic to almost all fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts.  In doing so, I have adjusted my eating and although I would love watermelon or a cucumber, I enjoy what I eat.  Now I find out that I have EOE.  That is…

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Krispy Kreme Donuts

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Krispy Kreme donuts….yum!  Anyone who knows me can tell you that I love sweets.  From cakes to cookies, pudding to ice cream.  But my number one sweet that I can’t live without are donuts. Ever since I can remember I have loved donuts.  Of course, since I bake at home,…

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Eat and Drink Healthy

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It is very hard for me to eat and drink healthy. I am allergic to pollen. Therefore, I can not eat almost all fresh fruit and vegetables. The reason for this is because when the fruit and vegetable grow they absorb the pollen in the air. Along with fresh fruit…

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lenas banana slit cake

Food vs. sweets

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Food vs. sweets,  ever since I can remember I have loved baking.  I used to bring cakes and cookies into work all the time to share.  Baking is an exact science, you can not say “a dash of this” or “some of that”.  I’m an exact kind of girl and cooking…

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delaurenti shell cannoli

Family Visiting

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We had family visiting this past weekend, my almost a twenty year old niece.  It was great visiting with her and asking me to make certain things from pureyummy.  We didn’t get around to making the cheesecake, but I did make cannoli’s for her.  I cheated a bit by using the…

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Valentine’s Day

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The one and only thing I think of as a gift that I hope to receive on Valentine’s Day are chocolate covered strawberries.  My husband usually buys me Shari’s Berries.  Oh my god, their chocolate covered strawberries are amazing!  The strawberries they use are huge and they must soak them…

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hero homepage

Cook’s Country

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My husband and I were watching Cook’s Country last night, after the kids had all went to bed.  I have to say that we LOVE that show.  Not only do  you get to watch them make an amazing recipe but they also do a review of some kind.  Last nights…

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