Bringing in 2015

By January 22, 2015Uncategorized

So…as my family will tell you, I do not procrastinate at all.  I ask, why wait to do something when you can do it now and not feel any pressure to get it done?  With this in mind, I walked into my kitchen and found my top three appliances or utensils that I couldn’t do without.

I decided to start my “spring cleaning” early this year, and realized that there are some things in my kitchen that I can not do without.  I would have to say my number one appliance is my KitchenAid ( mixer.  I think of all the times it has given my arms a break and did all the mixing for me.  What a wonderful machine.

Number two would have to be my super sharp knifes.  Those babies can cut thru anything.  Although I have a couple knifes that I can’t live without, one of them is a huge knife that my husband bought me a couple years ago.  The other two, I have had for year and years and those are Cutco (  Seriously, I don’t think I have ever sharpened those.

My Cuisinart (  food processor comes in at a close third.  I love this for making my salsa.  It takes about a minute to make the entire bowl from start to finish.  From mixing, shredding, or mushing, this appliance can get the job done.

I’m sure that my choices might change over the year, I can tell you that these items will always be in my kitchen.  Happy 2015 to you all!!

About Cathy Aluia